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Roz Fisher
Oct 9, 20162 min read
Which CV Writer is Controlling Your Future?
It seems every week there is another new CV writer out there in internet land, each one coming from nowhere with few referrals and very...

Roz Fisher
May 4, 20152 min read
A Misconception About The Application Process
When applying for a job, there is a misconception that an HR officer pores over every page of every application they are sent. However,...

Roz Fisher
Apr 23, 20152 min read
CV Declutter – It’s Time!
It’s time for a CV declutter! Think of a hoarder’s house, those awful cluttered homes you see on the TV shows where the experts go in and...

Roz Fisher
Mar 3, 20151 min read
Your Résumé / CV – Your One Chance
Writing a CV can be tricky. I can’t stress enough the importance of having a résumé (also called a CV) that is tailored to you. Your CV...
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