Prevania’s Feedback on Friday
I’m always humbled when my customers give me feedback on their experience of working with me.
I take great pleasure in seeing so many people achieve their goals, buoyed with the confidence in presenting their new CV to potential employers.
This week, Prevania’s Feedback on Friday is a great example of my process. With a lot of customers, we know there’s gold in their work history, but sometimes it’s not clearly displayed on their CV. All their relevant and interesting experience is shrouded in rambling sentences. They may have buried the most important information on page 5 of their current CV. We can find so many small issues, any one of which could cause a recruiter to overlook you. That’s where I step in to help.
The Process
When I get contacted by customers like Prevania and her husband, I figure out how to package their history, experience, skills and qualifications in a way which will attract a specific employer or role. I guess it’s a bit like taking apart and reassembling a classic car for a big show! Buffing off all the rusty bits and highlighting the best features. Making sure you stand out from the crowd.
Here’s what Prevania had to say…
“Good day all. I just had my resume done by Ms Roz Fisher and I am very satisfied with her professionalism and her time management with the CVs of both my husband and myself. She was really able to capture the essence of what we do and still put it on paper in a simplistic and modern manner. I would definitely recommend anyone to use her for their resume needs”.
When customers then see themselves presented in the way their employers want, it inspires them to reach higher. They now feel confident to go for that career change, or that overseas application they’ve been dreaming about, but didn’t before dare to submit.
Contact me today and we’ll make sure your CV gets noticed.