I often get asked if I write CVs for a particular industry or occupation, and thought this might be fun. This is a list of all the occupations I can remember.
There are no specific, official country formats. There are just really good, easy to read CVs.
(Careers marked with a * are included in the Skills Shortage list for people emigrating to Australia).
*Accountant Administration Officer *Aeronautical Engineer Aged Care Worker Agricultural management *Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic Aircraft Pilot Aircraft Mechanic
Air Traffic Controller Analyst *Analyst Programmer Application Analyst Apprentice *Architect Archaeologist Armed Security Associate Professor Attorney Audio typist *Auditor (internal and external) Au Pair *Automotive Electrician Baggage Handler Baker Banker Bar staff Barista *Barrister Beauty Therapist Biokineticist Biologist Blast Technician *Boat Builder and Repairer Boilermaker Bomber Booking Agent Bookkeeper Botanist Brand Manager *Bricklayer Builder Bus Driver Business Analyst Butcher Buyer *Cabinetmaker Camera operator Card Payment Specialist *Carpenter (and Joiner) Caterer Change Manager Chartered Accountant *Chef Chef – Product Development *Chemical Engineer Chemist Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer *Child Care Centre Manager Child Care Worker *Civil Engineer Cleaner Clerk Collections Officer Communications Officer / Manager Community Worker *Computer Network and Systems Engineer Concreter Concrete Repair Specialist Conservationist Constable *Construction Project Manager Construction Worker Consultant Content Creator Contractor Control Room Operator Conveyancer Cost Controller Cost Estimator Counsellor Courier Court Officer
Crime Scene Expert Cultural Representative (Disneyland) Customer Service Officer Data analyst Data manager Dental Assistant *Dental Hygienist *Dental Technician *Dental Therapist Dentist Chair Assistant Detective *Development Programmer Dialysis Nurse Diesel Fitter Diesel Mechanic Dietician Digitisation Manager Director Distributor Diver *Doctor / General Practitioner Doctor of Genetics Document Controller Dog Catcher Dogman Doula *Draftsperson Driller Driver Economist Editor *Electrician *Electrical / Electronics Engineer Employment Agent Engineer *Engineering Manager Entertainer *Environmental Health Officer Environmental Manager Environmental Scientist Event Planner
Eye Specialist Fabricator Facilities Manager Farmer Farmhand Film Maker Financial Advisor Financial Consultant Financial Controller Financial Manager
Fingerprint Expert
*Fitter *Fitter and Turner Flight Attendant
Forensic DNA Analyst Forensic Psycho-Physiologist
*Forester Founding Member Funeral Director Furniture Finisher Gardener *Gasfitter Geneticist Geologist Geophysicist Golf coach Graphic Designer Groundsman Guide Dog Mobility lnstructor/Specialist Hairdresser Heavy Vehicle Operator Helicopter Mechanic Helicopter Pilot Hockey coach Homeopath Horticulturalist Hotel Manager HSE Officer / Manager Human Resources Officer *ICT Business Analyst *Industrial Engineer Insurance Broker Interior Designer Interpreter Inventory Controller Investigator
Irrigation Designer IT Manager IT Specialist Jackeroo / Jillaroo Jeweller Jockey *Joiner Journalist Kindergarten Teacher Kitchenhand Laboratory Assistant Laboratory Technician
Lactation Specialist *Landscape Architect Laundry Attendant Lawyer Legal Advisor Legal Assistant Legal Secretary Librarian *Lift Mechanic Linesman *Locksmith Logistics Officer Long-distance Driver Machine Operator *Machinist Maintenance Planner Magistrate Maintenance Electrician Maintenance Fitter *Management Accountant Manager Manufacturing Planning Manager Marine Biologist Marketer Marketing Manager / Officer Massage Therapist *Materials Engineer *Mechanic (General, Motorcycle and Diesel) *Mechanical Engineer *Medical Administrator Medical Aesthetic Therapist *Medical Laboratory Scientist Medical Technologist Mental Health Worker Merchandise Management Merchandise Planning *Metal Fabricator *Metallurgist *Metal Machinist *Midwife Millwright Miner *Mining Engineer Mobility Specialist Mortgage Broker Musician Nanny Naturopath Network Engineer Non Destructive Tester Notary *Nurse *Occupational Health and Safety Adviser *Occupational Therapist On-boarding Consulting / Specialist Operator
Ophthalmic Surgeon
Ophthalmologist (Eye Specialist) Optical Assistant *Optometrist Ornithologist *Panelbeater *Painter Paralegal Paramedic Parole Officer Partner *Pathologist Payroll Officer Penetration Tester Performing Artist Personal Assistant Personal Protection Pest Controller Pharmacist Pharmacy Technician Photographer *Physiotherapist Pipefitter Planning Manager Plant Operator Plant Pathologist *Plasterer Plastic Surgeon *Plumber Polygraph Examiner / Polygraphist Power Linesman *Pre-School Teacher *Pressure Welder *Primary School Teacher Printer Prison Officer Private Investigator Procurement Officer Producer *Production / Plant Engineer *Production Manager Programme Manager Programmer Project Engineer Project Manager Property Developer *Psychiatrist *Psychologist Public Prosecutor Public Relations Officer Purchasing Manager / Officer Quality Controller *Quantity Surveyor *Radiologist Real Estate Agent Receptionist Recruiter *Registered Nurse (Aged Card / Community Health / Critical Care etc) Researcher Retail Assistant Retail Manager Rigger Risk Manager Rugby Coach Safety Officer Satellite Television Technician Sales Professional Scaffolder School Principal *Scientist Secretary *Secondary school teacher Security Officer Service Manager Shareholder *Sheetmetal Worker *Ship’s Engineer *Ship’s Officer *Shipwright Shotfirer Sign maker Sign writer Social Media Marketer
Social Scientist *Social Worker Software Developer *Software Engineer *Solicitor *Speech Therapist / Pathologist Sports Coach Sports Manager Steamfitter Stock Controller *Stonemason Storeman *Structural Engineer Student Supervisor Supply Chain manager *Surgeon Surgical Technologist Surveillance Detection Officer *Surveyor Sustainability Manager Swimming Coach Systems Administrator *Systems Analyst Systems Engineer Talent Manager *Taxation Accountant Taxi Driver *Teacher *Technician (various industries including Radio Communications and Engineering) *Telecommunications Engineer *Telecommunications Network Planner Telemarketer *Tiler Timberman Tool and Die Maker Tour Guide Trades Assistant Traffic Controller Train Driver Trainer Assessor Transcriber Travel Agent Tree Feller Tyre Fitter University Lecturer Urban Planner *Urologist *Valuer Venue Manager /Hire *Veterinarian Veterinary Nurse Videographer Video Producer Waiter / Waitress Warrant Officer Weapons Trainer Web Designer *Welder (First Class) Weld Supervisor Weld Tester Warehouse Manager Writer Youth Worker Zoo Keeper Zoologist
