This is not the sort of thing I post online, in fact – I try to keep my very personal things to myself.
But the time has come for some honesty.
This might be big news to some people, but I suffer from diagnosed anxiety and PTSD and was medicated for several years until I learned better coping techniques.
Talking to strangers scares me – I get anxious and say stupid things and then everything goes downhill from there.
I have the gift of making awkward situations even worse by saying outrageous things. In social situations it’s fine, I can just walk away and go and cry in the bathroom.
But the thought of accidentally offending a client is truly terrifying.
Which leads me to my big announcement!
All Standard-, Deluxe- and Partner Packages will now include a VIDEO CONSULTATION with me, where we can discuss your CV and the rewrite strategy.
This doesn’t mean you HAVE to chat to me, but if you want to, the option is available. Not everyone needs to have a chat – my process has worked very well up until now without any video chats, but I feel I may have lost clients because of it.
I realise that some people really need to see a “real person,” and I want to make this process as simple and painless as possible for them.
I can’t allow my anxiety to dictate business practices any longer, so here we go!
If you book a Résumé package and we have a video chat and I get nervous and say something inappropriate - I apologise in advance!
